Sl.No | Name of sub-committee | Chairman |
1 | Programmes Committee | Sri. M Mahantheshappa |
2 | Agricultural Policy and Development | Dr. V. I. Benagi |
3 | Agribusiness Consultancy Services | Sri. Venkatram reddy J. patil |
4 | Regional Chapter Development and Enrollment of Members | Sri. L. I. Roodagi |
5 | Infrastructure and Maintenance | Smt. C.N. NandiniKumari |
6 | Agricultural Extension and Farmers Education | Dr. B. Krishnamurthy |
7 | Knowledge Enhancement, Health and Cultural Activities | Sri V.S. Patil |
8 | Newsletters, Publications and Library | Dr. B.N.Ambarisha |
9 | Finance and Resource mobilization | Smt. C. N. NandiniKumari |
Sub-committees of Institution of Agricultural Technologists,Bengaluru - 2022-25
Sl.No | Name of sub-committee | Chairman and Members |
1 | Programmes committee (This committee shall cover all the activities related to seminar and endowment lectures, urban gardening and house hold waste management, entrepreneur development and coordinating promotion of MSME , FPOs and FCGs, youth and women empowerment, gender equality and any other related issues) | Sri. M Mahantheshappa Dr. B.N. Ambarisha Sri. G. Ramegowda Dr. A.B. Patil Dr. N. Devakumar Sri Badappa Sri B. H. Pinja |
2 | Agricultural Policy and Development (the sub-committee shall study the policies and programmes being implemented by all agriculture, SAUs, Horticulture animal husbandry and allied departments and agencies and shall recommend suitable interventions needed for the benefit of IATians and farmers to the government and concerned departments with the consent of Managing Committee and an other related issues) | Dr. V . I. Benagi Dr. M. Bheemanna Dr. Raju G, Teggelli Dr. Shivamurthappa Sri V.S. Patil Sri R. M. Kummur Dr. A.B. Patil |
3 | Agribusiness Consultancy Services (This shall include actives related to registration with the labour department, PF and other statutory agencies for carrying out HR activities and outsourcing the staff and officers required by different departments, Universities and institutions apart from sourcing projects from KES and other related departments). | Sri. Venkatram reddy J. patil Sri. L.I.Roodagi Dr. B.N. Ambarisha Sri. G. Ramegowda Dr. B. Krishnamurthy Dr. B.V. Patil, Former UAS V.C Raichur Dr. B.C. Suryanarayana |
4 | Regional Chapter Development and Enrollment of Members ( this shall include all the activities of regional charters and enrolling new members and strengthening of the regional haters and any other related issues) | Sri. L. I. Roodagi Dr. V. I. Benagi Sri. G. Ramegowda Sri V. K. Kamatar Dr. B. Krishanamurthy Sri. H.S. Krishanamurthy Dr. S.S. Dolli |
5 | Infrastructure and Maintenance (this shall include all the development and maintenance of both HO and the regional chapters and any other related issues). | Smt. C.N. NandiniKumari Sr. M. Mahantheshappa Dr. Shivamurthappa Sri. V.K. Kamatar Sri. B. Umesh Sri. C. Lokeshwar |
6 | Agricultural Extension and Farmers Education (This shall also include Krishi Ankura, Ecology and Environment and Agri-tourism and any other related issues) | Dr. B. Krishnamurthy Dr. Raju G. Teggelli Dr. V.I. Benagi Dr. M. Bheemanna Dr. Shivaram K. Dr. A .M. Mallikarjunagowda Dr. Shivanand Dr. Shivamurthappa |
7 | Knowledge Enhancement, Health and cultural Activities (This shall include cultural, sports, health, personality development and training programs and any other related issues) | Sri V.S. Patil Sri. C. Lokeshwar Sri. G. Ramegowda Dr. Raju G, Teggelli |
8 | Newsletters, Publications and Library (This shall include publication of quarterly Krishi Tangrajna restricting to four pages and also development of good library and also seeking of advertisements land any other related issues) | Dr. B.N.Ambarisha Sri. Noor samad Sri . Channappa Angadi Sri. D.L.Shetty |
9 | Finance and Resource mobilization (This shall include all the activities including audit, accounts and Resource Mobilization and any other related issues). | Smt. C.N. NandiniKumari Sri. Venkatramreddy J. Patil Sri. V.K. Kamtar Sri. B. Umesh Sri. G. Ramegowda |