Regional Chapter | President Name | Phone No. | Secretary Name | Phone No. |
Vijayapura | Krishna Mumbaraddi | 6361299110 | Ashok Sajjan | 9448909899 |
The world food day organized at IAT, Vijayapur on 02-11-2022. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Ashok S. Sajjan, Secretary and Associate Director of Research, RARS, Vijayapur and delivered inaugural address. The theme for 2022 is Leave no one behind. It is observed annually to highlight the millions of people worldwide who cannot offered healthy diet and need for regular access to nutritious food. Celebration of world food day to creates awareness, tackling global hunger, due to globalization, urbanization and increase in income growth our diets and eating habits are changed. Instead of seasonal fiber rich food and plant based food we are shifted to refined, starches, sugar, fat and processed food etc. Hence, it is urgent need to provide residue free food access to everybody. Dr. S. B. Patil, Agronomist, AICRP on DLA, RARS, Vijayapur Chief Guest of the programme stressed the need for innovation technology to enhance the food grain production one among them is nano technology in Agriculture. The application of nano fertilizer is one approach to restore the sustainability of the food grain production . The nano urea and zinc are directly used in foliar spray which brings beneficial effect on plant growth and development. The programme was commenced with welcome speech by Dr. B. B. Briradar, Treasurer, IAT, Vijayapur and finally thanked by Mr. Arvind Koulagi.
World soil day celebration was organized on 11th December 2022 at IAT Vijayapur.The 9th world soil day celebrated with Soils: Where food begins' is the theme for World Soil Day 2022. to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources.
Dr.Basavaraj.Biradar ISHA Foundation volunteer addressed the rising issues with soil management, raising soil awareness, encouraging societies to enhance soil health and increase public awareness. To highlight the value of healthy soil and requested to individuals to consider sustainably managing soil resources. The main goal of the day to increase public awareness of the significant environmental issues that soil degradation can lead to, such as erosion, the loss of organic matter, and drop in soil fertility. Another crucial factor is that good soil reduces climate change by preserving or even increasing soil organic carbon. All plants used in food production grown on soil and serves as the foundation of food system.
Dr.Ashok.Sajjan ADR RARS addressed the importance of soil by mentioning about 95 per cent of our food comes from soil. There are more living organisms in a tablespoon of soil than people on Earth. In days to come Agricultural production has to increase by 60 per cent to meet the global food demand in 2050.Up to 58 per cent more food could be produced through sustainable soil management. He also narrated the history of soil, management done by earlier people without chemicals. It is a home to a large, diversified community that enhances the soil’s structure, recycle vital nutrients, and aid in the management of weeds, plant pests and disease. The world soil day programme was welcomed and thanked by Mr.B.G.Sajjan facilitator DAESI programme.